A collection of messages to individual believers in chronological order. Suggested headings were not part of the original messages.


Our attitude and actions toward the impending catastrophe: 13 May 1980

Dear Baha'i friend,

Your letter of 13 January to the Universal House of Justice has been received and we are instructed to convey its response.

As a concert pianist you are uniquely endowed for service to God and mankind, for the Master states that "the musician's art is among those arts worthy of the highest praise, and it moveth the hearts of all who grieve." Further, the pursuit of excellence in your art both fulfils Baha'i admonitions and is worship manifested in your profession.

Your concern about the future in these troubled times is understandable. There is every reason to expect that the world will experience travail and testing as never before, but we do not know what form these upheavals will take, when exactly they will come, how severe they will be, nor how long they will last. In a letter dated 30, September 1950 written on behalf of the beloved Guardian to an individual believer, it is stated:

“He does not feel that fear -- for ourselves or for others -- solves any problems, or enables us to better meet it if it ever does arise. We do not know what the future holds exactly, or how soon we may all pass through another ordeal worse than the last one.

“The important aspect for the Baha'is is that their attitude and actions in response to the pending catastrophe be correct. We all know that the Cause of Baha'u'llah is the world's only salvation, and that our duty is to actively teach receptive souls, and to do our utmost to help in the consolidation of the institutions of the Faith.  Only in this way can we contribute our share of servitude at His Threshold, and we should then leave the rest to Him. ...”

The House of Justice will offer prayers at the Holy Shrines that you may have abundant opportunities to uplift the souls of men through your music and through your teaching of the Cause of the Blessed Beauty.

With loving Baha'i greetings,

Department of the Secretariat

(Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986’)